Prodigal Prayer Wall

Welcome to our “Prodigal Prayer Wall.” You can share your prayer requests for your prodigal and praises (for answers to prayer) below. Please stay a moment and pray for others, then come back often to pray and share your answers. Space for each entry is limited to 45 words (and for security purposes does not post immediately). Your requests will be prayed for by our Prodigal Prayer Team and by our prayer meetings at Peace Church, as well as our online community (if you’d like to serve on our Prayer Team please let us know). Please also note that because of high demand we can only post prayer requests or praises that are specifically for prodigals and their families.

*Indicates a required field. We are able to translate prayer requests from Spanish and several other languages.


I found out my granddaughter has declared herself queer (likes both men and women). She has been raised in a Christian home but has walked away. Her parents are devastated. Prayer for wisdom and peace from the Lord.


Please pray for Nanette. She is pregnant. Her boyfriend is addicted. Salvation for both of them.


Please pray for my child for wisdom, understanding and knowledge, to fully seek God for all things.


Please pray with us for our precious son, P. He has been hanging out with the wrong people and engaging in risky behavior. Our hearts are broken, and we are praying for him to return to the Lord and be restored in our family.


I’m in Canada. My 3 adult children: Ryan, 44, struggles with addiction, Amber, 42, divorced with 2 sons 11 & 7, and Taylor, 40, with severe anxiety. I have very little to no contact with them. Their father committed suicide 6 years ago. I love them and pray daily.


For “N” –admitting to continued binge drinking,’ says he wants to stop. Praying he’ll take steps to seek medical and group help & return to God. Also that the Lord will protect him and all of us. Thank you.


Our son, Andrew, has been estranged for 2 years. A family member told us his wife wanted him to cut us off. Asking that he would turn back to God; that God’s will be done in this situation.


My son David, homeless drug addict, 38 years old. In need of many prayers. Been on the streets for years now. Addiction for 17 years.


My son, age 25, after re-committing his life to Christ has now returned to serious drug and alcohol abuse, bars, clubs, and hanging with the wrong crowd. Please pray for God to fill his life with positive things, godly friends and godly pursuits.


Answer to Prayer & Praise Reports

God has done wonderfully in keeping my son safe. 🙂


I thank god for my amazing children – David & Brooke. I thank God that he will complete his work that he started when they were children. I know that they are not forgotten.


Our daughter had vigils of mom and dad praying via “Prayers for Prodigals”. She became a mother at age 40, embraces sobriety and Jesus today.


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